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Our Story


#1 Our goal is to uplift our Savior, Jesus Christ, and help to spread the Good News of the Gospel.


In the summer of 2012, after getting together one evening to just "play some music", Kris, Robin, Kent, and Blake began working up a few songs and actually sang at a local church of some family shortly thereafter. We really enjoyed it, and especially, seeing folks get blessed through song. We took a couple more appointments and we soon realized that we needed a group name to associate the band with.  The name Higher Ground just kept coming to mind.  We truly enjoy playing and singing for the Lord.


The initial members of the group were Kris Terry, Robin Terry, Kent Nance, and Blake Waters. Soon after, we added Kim Voiles and Ricky Ward on Bass and Guitar, respectively. We began work on a CD in the spring of 2013 at a local studio, Dove Studios, operated by Ricky Ward. We finished the CD in early 2014.


In late 2014, Isaac Huling came aboard to begin playing banjo/ dobro for us, and many times is joined by his dad, Tony, on the dobro also. We finished another CD called "Damascus Road", which features a few original songs as well as some familiar tunes.  It became available November 2015. 


In late 2017, Bro Kent accepted a pastor position, and, of course, had to leave to group and dedicate himself to that. We missed him greatly, but, the Lord filled the need in January of 2018, when Nicole Brock of Sunbright, TN joined up to play bass and sing for us. She has been a tremendous help to the ministry. We released another CD entitled "My All in All" in November of 2018, with some original material and personal favorites.


Our newest CD entitled "Not Movin' Me" is available in July 2021.


Whether we sing to 15 people or 500, we want to give it our best. We certainly don't claim to be the best singers or musicians, but  we want to do our little part, and if we can help someone along the way, it is worth it all.


The Group:

Kris Terry

Vocals, Guitar


Robin and I live in Allardt, TN. We have 2 boys, Logan and Blakely. We had been singing in our home church for several years before coming together with Kent Nance and Blake Waters in 2012 to form the group. These folks have become a big part of my life, and are like my family.  I love to write songs, as much as sing them. I feel like the very least, and know that there are much more talented individuals out there, but I love to sing and want to be a blessing to everyone I can. If someone can find peace, comfort, or conviction in what we do, then it makes it worth the effort.  I know I can do nothing without my Savior. I want to lift His name up. I am thankful that through Him, no matter what storms may come our way, we find ourselves on "Higher Ground".

robin Terry



Me and Kris live in Allardt, TN. We have 2 boys, Logan and Blakely. I learned piano when I was younger, so music has always intrigued me and been a fun hobby of mine. I have always enjoyed to sing for my Lord and I hope to have that opportunity for many years to come. I'm thankful the Lord gave us this opportunity  and thankful for all of his blessings in my life! 


Blake waters

Vocals, Mandolin


I am 23 years old and I  got saved in May of 2007. I have always been  in church and I thank God everyday for giving me parents that always took  me to church. I have a brother named  Colby who is  16. I have always loved music and I  began playing musical instruments at age 9. I currently play guitar and mandolin mainly. I am thankful for the people I  play with and the people who have supported me along the way. I thank  God for giving me the talent and the opportunity to uplift his name. I play music, not for me, but I play music to shine a light for the lost and people who are in troubled times. If anyone gets help out of our music then that is worth it all. I love this group because I  believe that everyone in this group knows what they are singing about. Thanks to everyone for the support and God bless.



vocals, bass


I grew up in Crossville, TN and currently reside in Sunbright, TN. I’m married to Lucas Brock and we have 2 girls, RaeLynn and Mollie. I currently work as a hair stylist and enjoy spending time outdoors with my family and friends on the weekends that we’re not on the road. I play bass, along with some flute and fiddle. I’m extremely honored to be part of such a wonderful group of people that have became like family to me and am excited to see where the Lord takes us on this journey.

isaac huling

vocals, banjo


I am Isaac, and I play banjo for the group. I have grown up around music most all my life and I learned music at a young age. I am married to Tiffany Huling and we have two daughters, Allison, and Olivia, along with one son, Titus. We live near Deer Lodge, TN. The group asked me to start playing with them and after praying about the decision, I decided to do it and it has been a huge blessing in my life. I am so thankful for the members of the group and I'm thankful that God gave me an opportunity to do what I love for my Lord and Savior, and do it with people who know who they are singing about. 


Jamestown, TN 


Phone: 931-397-6051


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